PLEJ for Liberation: Building Power with Students and Imprisoned Educators!


Seeking community educators for
PLEJ for Liberation program

Are you or do you know someone who would be interested in connecting your students with educators and organizers who are incarcerated?
Consider participating in the PLEJ for Liberation!

PLEJ for Liberation is a collaboration between imprisoned educators and educators “outside the walls” to share curriculum with students about ending the prison system & solitary confinement.

The PLEJ for Liberation goals:
PLEJ (Power, Love, Education and Justice) for Liberation is an innovative project that brings together social justice educators in the community with imprisoned educators in California’s solitary confinement cells. The goal of this project is to create a justice-oriented, people-centered curriculum about the prison system for teenaged youth and young adults.

Who will I work with?
The imprisoned educators are elders in political struggle and organizing inside prisons, including the historic 2011 & 2013 hunger strikes in California prisons and “The Agreement to End Hostilities”.

What becoming a PLEJ community educator includes:
– maintaining a pen pal relationship with an imprisoned educator
– collaboratively creating a ‘curriculum’ with the imprisoned educator that would be relevant and inspiring for your students
– supervising all correspondence between students and imprisoned educator
– maintaining a high level of structure, to ensure continuity and prevent prison officials’ retaliation against your pen pal

For now we are specifically seeking out community educators who work with older students, high school age and up, and/or college and university age students, in a committed series of classes and who are interested in educational relationships that provide an opportunity for interested students to learn and practice advocacy and organizing skills in challenging injustice in the California prison system.

Please do not hesitate to contact myself or Sharon Martinas ( if you are interested, have any questions about this, or if you have suggestions for people, schools or organizations that we should be reaching out to. A more detailed description of the program can be found here.

Thanks so much, 
Annie Banks
Human Rights Pen Pal Program volunteer
Cell: 510-612-0297

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