A Weekend of Demos & Rallies for the CA Hunger Strike!

Support for the hunger strike grows as solidarity actions  occurred in the US and Canada this past weekend.

Noise Demo outside North County Jail: Oakland, CA

A series of noise demos outside jails, detention centers and prisons occurred internationally in St. Louis, New York City, Oakland, Los Angeles, Montreal and Kitchener (Ontario).

Noise Demos have been an effective way for people outside prison to show their solidarity with people locked up. Participants of the demo in St. Louis said: “The jumping, cheering silhouettes of the locked-up youth had made it clear that despite all the imposed isolation, we had shared a moment of clear communication.” Each noise demo consists of different ways of making loud noise–playing music, chanting, flares, fireworks, banging on pots and pans, etc.  Each of the demos have connected local struggles against dehumanization to the CA hunger strike and the conditions of the Pelican Bay SHU, as well as both the US’s and Canada’s prioritization of policing and imprisonment over social welfare.

Hunger Strike Supporters at picket in Harlem, NY, outside Harlem Office Building

Rallies & actions were also held this weekend in  Cleveland, OH, Harlem, NY and Eureka, CA. Supporters also did an action in Bloomington, Indiana outside Wabash Valley SHU, which was directly modeled off of Pelican Bay.

About 150 people rallied at the UN Plaza in San Francisco on July 9th, and were joined by another 150+ marchers from another rally in solidarity with Libya. Speakers talked about the conditions of the Pelican Bay SHU, how the demands of the strike are an example of prisoners asserting their humanity, gang validation and the criminalization working class communities of color, and why it is important to show solidarity. The rally also included a call-in, during which everyone in attendance made calls on-the-spot to the CDCR and elected officials.

Some organizations, like TGI Justice Project in San Francisco, have coordinated call-ins, in which get their members come together and call the CDCR, Governor Jerry Brown and their elected legislators and urge them to negotiate with the prisoners immediately.

While support for the hunger strike is growing, the CDCR still refuses to negotiate with the prisoners. Hunger Strike leaders from the Pelican Bay SHU and many other prisoners are willing to risk their lives and will not eat until they’re demands are met.

Supporters standing strong at rally in San Francisco

Now is the time to make the call for support and action even louder!

Our support for the prisoners is needed now more than ever.

Continue calling the CDCR, get together with your friends and networks to organize call-ins, write letters, continue circulating the online petition, and get more people involved in this struggle!


**** Supporters are holding another rally on Tues, July 12th in Chicago, IL at the Cook County Courthouse (26th & California) at 10:30 am. Click here for the Facebook event page. If you’re in the area, or know people in the area, please help spread the word.****

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